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- Επόμενο Ταξίδι
- Κουάλα Λουμπούρ->Ιαπωνία
- Ταξίδι-Όνειρο
- it happened !2024 Japan
αυτό το email δεν το ήξερα.Πριν από 5 χρόνια η πτήση μου από Βαρκελώνη για Κωνσταντινούπολη είχε καθυστέρηση πάνω από 2 ώρες με αποτέλεσμα να χάσω την ανταπόκριση για Αθήνα και να πάρω την επόμενη πτήση. (Αν και δεν με χάλασε και πολύ καθώς δεν είχα υποχρεώσεις κι απόλαυσα το υπέροχο lounge.)
Δεν θυμάμαι πώς είχα επικοινωνήσει μαζί τους τότε αλλά είχα λάβει την εξής απάντηση.
We’re sorry that your travel plans were disrupted.
Flight TK1856 Barcelona/Istanbul on 5th September, 2019, was delayed for 2 hours 9 minutes due to technical reasons. As a result, you were unable to board your onward flight, and you completed your journey with flight TK1845 Istanbul/Athens on later that day.
After our investigation, we found that we provided the meal/accommodation service we were required to during this delay. However, if you didn’t receive these services during this delay, in order to compensate you for your expenses, we ask that you send us the relevant invoice(s). You can do this by checking the “Previous feedback” option on our feedback page. We’ll review your invoice(s) and let you know about your payment as soon as possible.
In addition, as your flight was disrupted due to operational/technical reasons, we’d like to inform you that we’ve issued you an electronic travel voucher (EMD) as a token of our apologies for any inconvenience caused:
Passenger: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
EMD number: 235 xxxxxxxxxx
EMD value: 400 EUR
EMD date of issue: 20th September, 2019
EMD terms of use:
This EMD can be used for ticket purchases, ticket reissues or excess baggage payments within one year of being issued.
It can only be used for flights operated by Turkish Airlines.
The name on the EMD cannot be changed, and it cannot be transferred to another person.
A fare refund can be issued within 2 years of the EMD being issued.
It cannot be used on online channels. To use this EMD, please visit your nearest sales office. (If you’d prefer to have your fare refunded, we recommend you contact the sales office before your visit.)
We look forward to serving you better on your next flight with us.
Τους απάντησα την επόμενη μέρα ότι δεν θα ήθελα EMD αλλά χρηματική αποζημίωση την οποία και πέρασαν στο λογαριασμό μου την ίδια μέρα αφού μου ζήτησαν διαβατήριο και ΙΒΑΝ.
Έχουν περάσει αρκετά χρόνια από τότε και πιθανότατα η ποιότητα της εξυπηρέτησης πελατών να μην είναι η ίδια...Ενδεικτικά αναφέρω ότι είχα ξεχάσει πέρσι το παιδικό καροτσάκι και μου απάντησαν μετά από πολλές μέρες να πάω να το πάρω κι ενώ το είχα ήδη παραλάβει απευθείας στο αεροδρόμιο...
Σε κάθε περίπτωση να επιμείνετε. Δοκιμάστε να καλέσετε και στο 211992313 ή στείλτε email στο [email protected]
Εμένα μου έστειλαν το εξής :
Dear ,
We’re sorry that we were unable to reply to you in a timely manner.
We've completed our reinvestigation in line with your feedback and we've found out that flight TK 51 Tokyo / Istanbul dated 28th of September, 2024 was delayed for 1 hour 23 minutes due to late arrival of previous aircraft and 6 minutes due to air traffic control, as a result you've missed your onward flight and completed your journey with next available flight.
In relation to your feedback, we unfortunately cannot meet your compensation claim, as there is no civil aviation legislation applicable to the flight irregularity that has taken place at your departure point.
We are sorry once again for the inconvenience, and with hopes that we can offer you flawless service on your subsequent travels.
Sincerely Yours,
Can E.
Customer Representative